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No New Posts The 'Verse's Code of Conduct

Plot & Rules for those of ya wonderin' what we're all about down'ere.

2 2 The Rules (MUST READ!)
by Mallory Faraday
Dec 11, 2015 18:36:47 GMT
No New Posts Help & Ideas

Here's where ye can generate sum'o that site feedback I been hearin' all about. Ya got any questions or suggestions, ideas fer boards or events, this is where ya come run yer mouth.

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This is where we'll let ya know what we're up to.

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Sub-boards: First Time, Retaliation

125 137 Gifted Minds [Jcink]
by gm~
Oct 19, 2018 2:51:23 GMT

Character Creation

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No New Posts Character Applications

This here's where you need to be to get started. Then wait for us to find it shiny.

2 2 Character Application, Haylie Devoreux [WiP]
by Haylie Devoreux
Dec 14, 2015 0:19:50 GMT
No New Posts Face Claims

This is where ya claim yer mug.

1 2 Face Claim
by Mallory Faraday
Feb 17, 2016 16:32:54 GMT
No New Posts Alliance Database

Here ye'll find all them crooks an' doxy dolls that are in this'ere 'Verse, assumin' me and mine have approved them.

4 8 Character Application: Larissa Berg
by Mallory Faraday
Feb 17, 2016 16:28:58 GMT
No New Posts Wanted Ads

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Plotting and Character Development

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No New Posts Plots

1 4 Anyone want to Thread with me?
by Mallory Faraday
Feb 21, 2016 10:06:06 GMT
No New Posts Character Development

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The 'Verse Need-Ta-Knows

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No New Posts History of the 'Verse

The good Lord said, "Be Fruitful and Multiply. And that's just what folk did. Centuries and Ages passed and good people had more good people. They spread out, found new lands and developed new ways.

And for a mighty long time, Earth-That-Was found a way to keep the people thrivin'. First it was the trees for fire and building homes, pastures for farmers, fields for rancher. Then came stone for quarries, precious minerals and the natural resources. As time went on, people just needed more and more, whether it be fuel, power, land, or even the air.

Humanity sucked the life out of the Earth-That-Was until she had no more to give.

Not willing to give up, the smartest of those folk looked outward, hoping it wasn't too late. They sent out huge machines to a likely system that had dozens of planets and hundreds of moons. More than enough for those that would take their chances elsewhere. So began the terraforming process that would take decades. Those on Earth-That-Was waited, hoping to survive long enough to make the difference elsewhere.

3 3 Part 3: Modern Times
by Mallory Faraday
Dec 11, 2015 19:47:48 GMT
No New Posts Talk of the 'Verse

You'll find Chinese slang and bordertalk here!

2 2 Regular Slang of the 'Verse
by Mallory Faraday
Dec 12, 2015 10:20:43 GMT


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No New Posts Phoenix

This salvaged Kestrel-class ship is owned by the upstart lady crime boss Mallory Faraday. Now it just needs a crew that can take her out into the Black.


1 1 Phoenix - Ship specs
by Mallory Faraday
Dec 12, 2015 13:45:25 GMT

Core Planets

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No New Posts Ariel

A technological paradise, comprised of tall buildings of steel and glass with holographic billboards illustrating the latest in consumer news. Ariel is known for its wonderful medical facilities. The technology is the very latest, featuring fancifications as holographic scanners among other glorified equipment. As with most of the Core worlds, Ariel is a restricted landing site. Only those with legitimate business are allowed to land. St. Lucy's Hospital is here.

Sub-board: Jupiter's Eye

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No New Posts Bernadette

After the colonization of Londinum and Sihnon, Bernadette was the first place to be terraformed and settled. The only remaining ship that brought the founding folk, stands in the capital city of New Paris. The ark is a monstrous ship, at least five times the size of an Alliance cruiser. The ark is named the Prometheus.

Bernadette is a traditional launching point for those leaving to settle on other worlds. Settlers arrive here from the Core, the last point of civilization before launching into the Rim. Many businesses cater to these folk, selling the necessities that no one wanted to drag here aforehand.

The dark side of Bernadett is the slave trade. It's an underground organization and its all too realy. Settlers disappear and are hauled off to work on terraforming stations or mines. Most times, the settler is assumed to have died in the black.

Oddly enough, or perhaps not so odd, Bernadette is also home to a number of religious sects. Buddhists, Christians, Islamic and Hindus all rub shoulders with each other, along with a number of fringe cults.

Landing is restricted, but will usually allow visitations to the ark, or people claiming to be settlers. In both cases, business is expected to be concluded in two days.

Sub-board: Atlas

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No New Posts Londinium

Of all the planets, Londinum is the most like Earth-that-Was and accordingly was one of the first two planets settled. Most of the colonials were Eastern European and American. They take their heritage seriously and try to blend it in with their new lives. As such, buildings may be made of the most modern materials, but it will still be used in archaic designs. There are some that call the architecture, “Imperial Gothic.”

Londinium is aften chosen for political discussions and debates. The Parliamentary buildings are known for it secruty and its neutrality. The Alliance Intelligence Agency is located here, as are a number of governmental departments.

Aside from politics, Londinum also houses many of the known ancient works of art, which they brought from Earth-That-Was.

Access to Londinum is severely restricted. Visitors may arrive only in special shuttles found on other Core planets. Only when the security procedures have checked out, may the shuttle be allowed to land.

Sub-board: Xigaze

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No New Posts Osiris

Here is the heart of the judicial branch of the Alliance. The Supreme Court resides here. Decisions made here have ramifications throughout the 'verse. The Court is housed in a large pyramid, honoring the Egyptian God for which the planet was named. Since the most important of the law agencies are here, so are the greatest, or the most successful of the law firms.

The University of Osiris boasts the most prestigious law school in the Core, as well as the most innovative and superb medical schools and facilitiesl.

The corporate offices of the Blue Sun Corporations is located here. Originally on Sihnon, the were recently moved into a massive structure that is attached to a combined manufacturing plant, distribution center and spacedock. The corporation is off-limit to all except employees. No one enters without a serious background check.

Sub-boards: Jisha-Anwei, Angelina, Bosun's Nest

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No New Posts Sihnon

Shinon is known for its beauty. At night, the it is said to be and ocean of light.

Here is the heart of the Buddist religion, a fact made obvious by the many monasteries and temples located here. Those seeking to learn more about Buddhism travel here to study.

Sihnon is also the central planet for the Guilds, all of which either have their headquarters here or maintain a significant presence. Disputes are conducted by registerd arbitration houses. The city of Chang'Pei is given over to trade administration, making it the largest civil bureaucracy in the 'Verse.

Penalties for bribes, taking or giving are harsh, but that doesn't stop some folk. Still, you might have to answer to the Officers of the Sihnon Trade Commission. They know that can't stop corruption, but they still take their work very seriously. And, they are very well trained in combat, interrogation, as well as espionage and accounting.

The capital of Sihnon is Lu'Weng. Local legend says that Lu'Weng was once a fire-breathing dragon that fell from the sky and was bound to the planet with ribbons. It nicely explains the prevalence of hot springs, and every home traditionally has a silken awning or a curtain across the door to keep the dragon bound. The city is the largest producers of silk in the system. Raw sil is farmed all over the planet and then sent to Lu'Weng, where it is refined and bolted or made into beautiful clothing that never falls out of favor with the rich thoughtout the system.

Landing here is restricted, but there is so much heavy traffic that regular or frequent visitors are often issued passes. Such passes aren't hard to get, nor are they hard to forge.

Sub-boards: Cavally, Merrie

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Border Planets

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No New Posts Persephone

A civilized planet where the population is classified into a strict caste system. Arguably, it is the planet closest in likeness to Earth-that-was. It's a fairly true statement in regards to the environment. Persephone has deserts, mountain ranges, prairies, tundra and the like.

The Eavesdown Docks are located here, a commercial port and Badger's base of operations. The docks house much of the shadowy underworld and any number of crime 'Lords.' The title has a varying ring of truth to it. Some as call themselves a Lord is just making the ends meet, siphoning what they can off of folks and keeping the large wolves at bay. And then there's those that have more at there command, and the fear that goes with it. The area is known for its territorial disputes which occasionally get out of hand. As long as it doesn't impinge on business as usual, the aristocracy tends to look the other way.

In this vicinity, you will also find the Southdown Abbey, former home to Shepard Book.

Persephone is an impressive cross-section of humanity, which is just another way to say that it's a world with an over abundance of opportunity and danger.

Sub-boards: Eavesdown Docks, Mallory's Pub

2 6 Connections (Mallory/Anyone)
by Larissa Berg
Feb 4, 2017 22:51:15 GMT
No New Posts Beaumonde

The heavily industrialized planet here is the manufacturing hub of the system. Its cities are surrounded by factories that produce everything from computer parts to ceramic dishware. Some of the factories are owned by the Blue sun corporation., though there are rumors that some of the factories are not factories at all. Security is tight in all their holdings, so no one has ever been to verify this. Or, they never got back out to tell.

Pollution is a problem on Beaumonde and the cities are covered in a perpetual haze. Technology keeps this at bay as best it can, but the problem grows worse each year, causing problems with the agricultural population. A popular bar, in the less prosperous part of town, is the Maidenhead, owned formerly by the brothers Fanti and Mingo.

Outside the cities, the atmosphere improves dramatically. Ranchers and farmers manage to make a decent supplying the cities and ships going off-world.

New Dunsmuir is the capital city of the planet. This is the only city that has no factories. It's located on an ocean and is a popular tourist attraction. Here is where the wealthy reside. New Dunsmuir is a beautiful city with avenues of trees and carefully maintained flower gardens.

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No New Posts Bellerophon

This is the world home to the private estates of the system's wealthiest folk. Everything required is shipped in, so there is no need for trade, shops or tourists. Each estate is a self-contained world, about the size of a town and float over Bellerophon's oceans.

The owners value their privacy so the skies around each estate are regularly patrolled by private and Alliance security. Visiting is by invitation only, so be prepared to have a very good reason for being there. However, there are also sizeable deserts around the planet, such as Isis Canyon, which are perfect places for clandestine meetings if you can get past the Feds. There is a touch of irony with Isis Canyon. The canyon noted to be the most deserted area on the world, is named after the Egyptian goddess of life.

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No New Posts Boros

Around Boros itself, you will find the Alliance shipyards, where there is always a few of the latest designs being constructed. A ship can take anywhere between 3-6 years to construct. They are extremely heavily guarded to prevent terrorist attacks and technological espionage.

Boros itself has extensive prairies with ranches and farms. The majority of the industry is scrap metal. Parts that didn't meet the rigorous standards of the Alliance, castoffs, damaged parts and plain old junk.

It makes it even more advantageous that there are few restrictions in landing on Boros.

Sub-board: Ares

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No New Posts Hera

Hera is largely agricultural world, the breadbasket for the entire system. The planet is also home to the infamous Serenity Valley, where the bloodiest battle of the war was fought. Lying midway between the Core and the outer planets on a major shipping lane, Hera was of great strategic importance during the war, making it an important staging ground for both sides. Taking Hera was the key to winning the war and Serenity Valley became the turning point.

The war devastated Serenity Valley. Seven years past, and the valley is still blackened and charred by the fire storm that swept through it. The only landmark is a graveyard on the hills next to the valley. Over half a million men and women, Alliance and Independents alike, are buried here, each with an identical small headstone. Some have names, most don't. Often, you will find the headstones decorated with flowers, personal mementos and the like. Many families never saw their children return, and many have picked an unnamed grave and honor it, hoping someone else is doing the same for their son or daughter.

Serenity graveyard is one of the most hallowed and sacred places of ground in all the ‘Verse.

Sub-board: Aberdeen

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No New Posts Newhall

This is one of the newer worlds terraformed with large oceans. Water is the planet's primary resource. The people live on small island chains. or on floating ocean towns. There's always a need for people working on the water plants, so there are generous incentives for working. Terraforming requires a lot of water and Newhall has it to spare. Processing the water and preparing it for shipping is what Newhall does best.

The secondary occupations is fishing. It's a good living on Newhall. And if that don't strike you fancy, there's always the tourist centers, for those who love the water.

Sub-board: Ur

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No New Posts New Melbourne

Wide open spaces is the hallmark of New Melbourne. Cattle ranching and farming are major industries. The entire planet experienced an economic resurgence in recent years, due to the decline of Hera. Aside from plenty of food, New Melbourne has little to offer and the Alliance largely leaves them alone.

Sub-board: Avalon

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No New Posts Paquin

Known as the gypsy planet, Paquin houses more carnivals and sideshows, galleries, and theatres that you could visit in six months of serious playtime. The planets unique atmosphere allows for such incredible sunsets and sunrises they are renowned throughout the ‘Verse.

Like all the worlds, Paquin is more than glitter and gold. The carnivals and circuses provide honest entertainment. But there are the more darker entertainments, the ones for the jaundiced world-view looking for what cannot be found in almost any place. It is said, that if you have the coin or credit, you can find whatever you are looking for, here on Paquin.

Sub-boards: Highgate, Babylon

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No New Posts Santo

The epitome of the perfect terraformed world. From space, it has a bluish-gray color and its orbit matches closest to Persephone. The principle landmasses are a series of huge islands. It has clear blue seas, lovely blue skies, white sandy beaches and perfect weather. The original settlers successfully marketed it's promises and drew in many a tourist to the perfect vacation spot.

The war disrupted its business, profoundly, as few would travel in disputed territories while the conflicts raged. Hotels and casinos failed and closed most had to find other means to make ends meet and attract clients, which more often than not was exclusively Soldiers. Brothels, strip clubs and other places abounded and slavers are still fairly common here.

Sub-boards: Goreaud, Liann Juin, Corinne

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No New Posts Verbena

Verbena is a densely forested world, largely underdeveloped, given the difficulties involved. There are a few determined folks who have etched out there place, some of which have even prospered. Mostly those are fruit, cocoa, and coffee.

The southern hemisphere did sport a military supply factory but an Independent-turned-terrorist destroyed the plan, the structure and many of the employees during the war. The consequences was that half of the population there was turned decidedly against the Independents. Faction wars, lootings, and burnings followed suit.

Since then, those that could, left for other pastures. Those that were left behind have steadily declined, economically and socially are sliding into a hillbilly outlook towards anyone infringing on their property.

Sub-boards: Casper, Juneau

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Rim Planets

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No New Posts Athens

Located in the Burnham sector, Athens is a tempermental planet with constantly shifting weather patterns and frequent high winds. Certain crops thrive here and the most beautiful marble is quarried on this planet.

Athens was one of the few outer planets that supported Unification and was one of the first targets to be captured by the Independents. Reacquiring the planet was one of the priorities of the Alliance, but resistance held strong. It wasn't until the Alliance destroyed several of the main cities with bombs that they drove enough of the Browncoats out and reclaimed the planet. Eventually the Alliance allowed for legal salvage operations for those wishing to resettle the urban areas.

Sub-boards: Whitefall, Taiyang, Onway, Silverhold

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No New Posts Beylix

A small planet with extensive farming lands, often used for smuggling rendevous. Mal’s war buddy, Monty, was caught by the Alliance here. Permanent cloud cover and dense ice rings are indicative of the atmosphere. It is often used for recycling and garbage warehousing by the central planets. And what was chaff to the Central planets is often enough gold to those on the Rim and soon entrepreneurial prospecters began profitable dealings in secondhand goods. Almost anything can be found here, used parts, moderately obsolete materials, even old Fireflies.

Sub-boards: Valhalla, Styx, Caspia, Three Hills

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No New Posts Georgia

A gas giant unusual in that it has only two moons, for such a large body.

Sub-boards: Regina, Ezra

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No New Posts Greenleaf

A world with a large tropical belt, with massive jungles and forests. These are harvested with a multitude of species of plants with medicinal properties. As a result, many pharmaceutical companies have set up laboratories on Greenleaf. Also, as a result, there is a fringe population that takes some of the plants to grow privately for the black market. This is a dangerous occupations since the drug companies began inserting traceable genetic markers to stop the illegal trade. This has been only nominally successful due to the fact that there are untold places for cartels to hide within the jungles. To compensate, the Alliance has clamped down on landing restrictions, though if you have the necessary knowledge of the jungles one can always slip through.

It is ten hours away from Jiangyin.

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No New Posts Haven

A small mining moon, Haven is home to independent miners who thus far have refused to be shoved off. No large ore deposits have been found, but there has been enough moderate success to keep the residents hopeful. Occasionally, the citizens will discover someone working for one of the various Mining Consortiums and expel them, a little the worse for wear, with the message to "stay away." Recently, the communities have pooled together to purchase and install a surface-to-air cannon near the largest of the mining facilities in order to discourage unwanted guests.

It was the home of Shepard Book and is a refuge for many a person of dubious employment.

Sub-boards: Constance, Harvest

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No New Posts Heinlein

An enormous gas giant with several inhabitable planets.

Sub-boards: Higgins' Moon, Triumph

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No New Posts Jiangyin

A small planet suitable for ranching, foresting and not much else. The world is abundant with small towns that operate largely independent. Since it has little else to offer, the Alliance ignores the planet, rarely even patrolling the area. There is no central government; each town regulates itself. It is considered backward and primitive and it's people are desperate for even the basic of necessities, such as medical attention. The people live simply, mostly apart from the "civilized" areas. The hill folk are superstitious and uneducated, easy prey for charlatans.

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No New Posts Lilac

A border world whose name is a sad misnomer for the world enjoys, if such is the word, a very hot climate seriously lacking in water. What farming that exists serves only to keep the population alive; the yields are never enough for exportation. There is a narrow equitorial belt that provides the closest thing to steady rain.

To make matters worse, the planet is rather close to Reaver territory. The population is ever fearful of an attack, believing it is just a matter of time before they are destroyed. In the belief that it would help, most of the small towns have contracted for private security in case of an attack. The payroll is delivered regularly to one of the local banks. Still, even with the proximity to the Reavers, they have little problems, not even justifying a fortified defense.

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No New Posts Miranda (QUARANTINED)

The name of a planet located beyond Reaver territory. It was home to a colony of 30 million people. The alliance conducted chemical experiements on the populace to find a way to make people more controllable. However, the experiments failds: 99.9 % of the population became so passive that they essentially lost the will to live. The opposite iffect was observed in the remaining .1% who became extremely aggressive and butchered the Alliance scientists in charge of the experiments. This tenth of a percent escaped and became the Reavers. The Alliance covered up the incident so well, that only a few even know of the planet’s existence.

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No New Posts Shadow

A planet of broad horizons, it was said that one could look out so far that a man could see God's plan. All that is left is a charred and blackened rock. Before the Unification war, Shadow was known for it's wide, fertile plains, grain farms and cattle ranching. Few towns dotted the landscapes. Some of those towns were large, but none could be called a city. The people were hard-working and independent-minded and Shadow was one of the first to join the side of the Independents. Most of the able-bodied volunteered early in the war.

The Alliance sought to make an example of Shadow, bombing the towns and countryside. Instead of causing a wavering in their belief, it only served to hardent the resolve of those who fought, and increased their hatred of the Alliance. Today, despite the terriforming being done to "heal" the land, Shadow is a ghost planet. No one lives there. No one can.

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No New Posts St. Albans

An icy world, it is one of the coldest in the 'verse. It consists almost entirely of mountains and it snows almost continually. The entire terrain is covered in ice floes and drifts, even during high summer, and it is extraordinarily hazardous to travel.

The people here, of a necessity, or extremely hardy. The principal work is mining the rich mineral deposits deep inside the mountains. The Consortium has declared the effort of taking the ore as considerably less that cost-efficient. Thus, independent groups work together in their claims and prospect what they can. Each community is isolated and self-sufficient and as a result, they've built strong ties amongst themselves. If you offend one, you offend them all. Fortunately, the reverse is true; if you make a friend of one, you've made a friend of all. This is Tracey’s home planet, and it islocated about 2 days from the Space Bazaar Sky Plex. A federal station is located nearby.

IMC: The orbit of St. Albans is such that every five years it moves a bit closer to the sun. Not much, but enough to cause major temperature changes resulting in flash flooding and massive ice movement and avalanches.

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4 8 About time I did this... Hi from Mallory!
by Mallory Faraday
Jan 1, 2017 9:52:48 GMT
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